Such a mod might sound desirable, but in Skyrim I don't think it would work nearly as well as you'd hope for several reasons:
1. Many of the quests are "radiant" quests, which means you can be sent to one of several locations to complete it. Which one is chosen by the quest giver when the quest is actually made.
2. Nearly every city and town and even a few farms have repeatable quests, ie chopping wood, harvesting vegetables, etc. Those are always available even when they've been completed.
3. Many locations such as dungeons and ruined forts respawn when they've been "cleared".
4. A map that included ALL locations and ALL the quests associated with them would be too cluttered to be useable from the beginning of the game. Likewsie, a log that started out with ALL quests listed would be too tedious to want to run through and removes any chance of your character feeling the thrill of learning secret locations on his/her own or by talking to other NPCs.