Yep, I own a Do Not Delete. What's a Do Not Delete you ask? Well it was sold to me by the lovely Arcadia in Whiterun. Things as precious as Do Not Deletes aren't often in a shopkeeper's stock, so naturally I jumped at the chance and I am now the proud owner of Skyrim's only Do Not Delete! Now, for what it actually is... It seems to take on the form of a chest. A chest that I can carry about (weighing in at a hefty 0.5 of inventory weight) but alas I cannot fill with all of my cabbages, skulls, books pertaining the misadventures of a certain voluptuous waterborne lizard person. Y'know, typical Dragonborn crap. It does however have one quality that makes it pretty interesting. It floats. Yep, I drop it and it just sticks there. Pretty useful for blocking a corridor or as a platform for climbing but otherwise it's just a pointless wooden box. That cost me 200 gold.
Something tells me that I shouldn't have been able to get a hold of this item.