Changes to CK changed Speech Checks?

Post » Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:29 am

I have some scripts that compiled, I tested them in game, they were fine. They used the Speech Checks from the wiki (which for reasons that defy explanation, I may not post a link to, even though there is a hyperlink option in the toolbar)

Everything was fine and then the CK for Fallout4 rollout happened. And now when I compile the exact same scripts, the very ones that were working before, I get this error:

Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\FavorDialogueScript.psc(19,20): cannot name a variable or property the same as a known type or script

Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\FavorDialogueScript.psc(89,25): Gold is not a variable

Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\FavorDialogueScript.psc(91,18): Gold is not a variable

This error now occurs on all three checks: Bribe, intimidate, persuade. Since absolutely nothing has changed with my scripts, I assume this is a Creation Kit thing. The wiki has not been changed to say we need to do things differently, so I am at a loss.

1) Is this a known bug?

2) Is there a workaround?

3) Is there going to be a fix?

This is screwing up about 6 different parts of my mod, so I really hope there is a fix.

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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2016 5:47 pm

You need to provide an example of a script thats not compiling.

Off the top of my head isn't Gold referred to as Gold001 and need to be added as a property?

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Julie Ann
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:12 pm

But "Gold" was never a "known type or script" before, and therefore was valid as a property name referring to Gold001, the MiscItem.

I generally use Gold001 as the name, just so it Auto-matches, and doing that would probably fix the issue.
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:34 pm

Gold still isn't a known type or script. I just tried and have no problem with compiling a gold property. Some mod must be providing a Gold script.

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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:05 pm

As I said, this is the standard Speech check from the wiki. It's one tiny line of code:


With the property (again from the wiki):

pFDS FavorDialogueScript (you are then to select Dialogue Favor Generic from the drop down, but I am not able to get that far anymore, where I was before, but the error now blocks me)

Like I said, this worked. I am not focused on the code because it compiled without errors before. Without making any changes to the script or its properties, the script no longer compiles. I discovered this when I tried to create a new Bribe check and got the above error. Since I couldn't see any difference in the code I was using vs the code in the working script, I compiled the working script again just as a test and got the same error--an error that had not appeared when I successfully created and compiled the script for my first Bribe check.

If it's not something Bethesda has done, is it possible my creation kit has gotten corrupted somehow? Is there any value in verifying its cache or Re-installing it?

ETA: Verified cache, re-installed, no joy.

I went to the Dialogue Favor Generic quest, where the FavorDialogueScript lives, went into the script and compiled it. Same error. The original script from the vanilla game won't compile. I went to my Scripts.Rar file to look at a pristine copy of the script, the problematic line #19 is precisely the same:

MiscObject Property Gold Auto

So....What the even hell is happening here? If Ck is not compiling scripts from the vanilla game, then has something not gone terribly wrong?

ETA2: Full wipe and re-install fixed the issue. No idea. The Skyrim gods can be unkind

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