No you didn't climb down, you jumped down, although I believe if you were quick enough you could cling to the wall again to initiate climbing again.
Good thing because that eyeball in the middle of my screen would never indicate that for me
phew... folks, whatever we do when we press crtl: it does lower your avatar's head, and i'd just like collision to know about that. in game.
if that's now technically "crouching" or "sneaking", or if and how much my head will lower or not when doing that in real life, i don't care in this context.
i'd like collision to end where my head ends, and not a meter above that, and if what i do is called "sblurbing" and needs to be done with your head inside i bucket, i'd STILL want collision to know of this
i disagree with that, not in the "representation" and "visual indicator" parts, but in the "abstract" one:
the pose is utterly valid (just acted it out to make sure
we _tiptoe_ for silence,
we bend our knees for balance while doing that,
and we try to keep as low as possible in this pose (try it, won't get much lower without going down on your soles)
nothing abstract about this, except for that that pose never changes, _that's_ the "representative" part. not the pose.
Which is how it's done in most engines, but take a look inside of skyrim's editor, and you'll see markers eeeeverywhere.
He's saying it doesn't need to be done with markers.