So, to continue on from the last, this is to discuss the general issues surrounding the pricing disparity of the SSE between PC and consoles.
Consoles pay $60/£40 for a remastered game with currently no save file transfers from last gen, restricted Mod capabilities and nicer graphics. Mods also disable all Achievements and Trophies from the moment they are activated.
PC gamers (mostly) get it for free (if they bought all the DLC too) and have little incentive to upgrade, according to current feedback.
Personally, I believe that there's multiple better ways to go about this, but all of them revolve around the general concept of fair treatment.
Everyone pays $60/£40 (not popular and highly unlikely), everyone pays $30/£20 (seems a lot better imo) or everyone who purchased all of the content last time get it for free (though raises obvious issues due to proof of purchase for non-digital console games).
There may be other options too, but I'll wait to see what happens there.
The last thread got pretty heated, but eventually started to settle down.
Well, that's my opening post. I'm interested to hear any developments in this matter from either side or Bethesda or Microsoft/Sony. Let's try to reach a consensus.