I have couple questions about the console versions of Skyrim Special Edition and figured if I posted it in the main thread it would get lost in the shuffle. Sorry if this is against the rules or has been asked elsewhere.
- Will console players be able to download any available mods like PC players or will console mods have to be approved by Bethesda, Sony and Microsoft before they can be downloaded?
- If mods are going to be available for the SE version of Skyrim, why weren’t they accessible for the original version? I know very little about modding in general but since last gen consoles can connect to the internet just like the current gen models, it seems odd that original Skyrim couldn’t take mods on consoles. Obviously super high res graphics mods would make consoles wail and gnash their teeth but I don’t see why stuff like Alternate Start, USLEEP, Frostfall and the like were PC exclusive.
- Not sure if this one has an answer yet but I’ll give it a try. Will the mods that were made for the 2011 version of Skyrim work with the upcoming Special Edition? I’ve made a list of possible mods I’d like to use for SE Skyrim but they were obviously made for the original version of the game so will I need to find SE only equivalents and or wait to see if the authors make the mods compatible for the updated version or will I be able to start grabbing mods from day one?