New to modding and now in trouble so please be patient. Here's all the info I think can help you diagnose this:
My game CTDs on the load screen but appears to be ok starting from a previous character's save or if I start a new character.
I checked the plugin dependencies manually in the NMM and nothing is obviously out of order.
I did notice NMM lists Skyrim.esm and Update.esm in gray at the top of the list of plugins. Both are present in the Skyrim/Data directory.
There are some mods in NMM that are red because they depend on missing files. None of these red mods are active.
Running SKSE 1.7.3, TESV.exe, both with Administrator privileges. Both are in the Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim/ folder
Just before this happened I was looking through LOOT's interface but I don't believe I asked it to do anything, maybe I did, can't remember.
Ok all - do your magic; what do you suggest?
Many thanks!
Update: Unloaded all my plugins (around 52) and started building it up again. The Campfire mod and Enhanced Town and Cities mod are definitely prime suspects. I'd like to get Frostfall back in the list but I believe it has a dependency on the campfire mod.