Hello and welcome to the community! Here is a fishy stick!
yep MW Scripting for Dummies will give you some kind of answer, and you should know that there is a http://openmw.org/en/ in the works for Morrowind, that will remove most of the limitations in both scripting and physics, but it won't be finished for another year or so.
However, I definitely want to advise you that if it's your first time modding, don't start out with a big project. Your spirits will be broken by the end of its development and it will be buggy (unless you're really good). You should start out with a small mod, a lot of people start out with house mods for a reason (I'm not saying you should make a generic house mod but you get the point) to learn the CS and scripting (using the MW Scripting for Dummies and the internet). For modding tutorials check out the https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzY_Z8hda6eDc5w9XyZEjLqsKk3rTlKUz on Morrowind Modding Showcases.
Of course I am no one to tell you what to do with your time, if you want to start with your project then go ahead, just making a friendly suggestion.