Fixed one problem, got another

Post » Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:11 am

Ok, so the Marcurio mod I'm using, got a bad neckseam from a bad armor mod, which persisted even after ditching the armor. I was able to fix it in the CK by increasing his weight. That was the only thing I changed, but something kept bugging me, until I realized his teeth had reverted to human. After dismissing, saving, exiting, deleting, etc, etc...I finally have his teeth back, as well as the neckseam. I use the SoS body, but it wasn't an issue before using that cursed armor mod. So, what I am asking, is how can I put vamp teeth on him in the CK, so that I can fix the seam and still have him look the way he should? I tried for for the longest time to figure it out, but finally gave up.

Can anyone help me?

Edit: going back to a previous save is not an option at this point. And yes, I can set his weight in-game to get rid of the seam, but didn't want to have to keep doing that, hence why I went into the CK for a fix.

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Taylor Bakos
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