Sunrise and Sunset Season and Latitude Scaling
This mod changes the sunrise and sunset time for longer winter nights in northern latitudes, etc
By default the average mid-winter days and mid-summer nights in northern latitudes will be ~1/3
as long in game hours as normal (equal day and night times) that occurs at mid-spring and fall.
Examples (using default sve_sunriseset_ave and _max values):
Mid-summer in Dagon Fel will have daytime sunrise at ~2am and nighttime sunset at ~10pm
Mid-winter in Dagon Fel will have daytime sunrise at ~10am and nighttime sunset at ~2pm
Mid-spring/fall everywhere will have daytime sunrise at ~6am and nighttime sunset at ~6pm
This mod is an improved version of using MGE-XE
xsetsunrisesunset function call to dynamically change the sunrise and sunset time based on
the season and player latitude. Use only one mod or the other.