I have an npc with a ForceGreet package, they approach the player and provoke them. The player has 1 dialogue option here and that's to initiate a brawl. Everything works except I want a brawl to start even if the player backs out of the the dialogue and attempts to walk away.
I keep reading the wiki but I just can't get anything to happen when I exit dialogue. Is this a package problem or have I configured my dialogue incorrectly?
Pics here: http://i.imgbox.com/GFFDzSZ6.jpg, http://i.imgbox.com/IPpLRWVv.jpg, http://i.imgbox.com/9haw3Aqc.jpg.
Could someone please detail exactly how to create "walk away" dialogue. I've tried several permutations of linked topics and nothing works. I also tried having separate branches and that didn't work either.
Follow-up question. Can I make both "dialogues" use the same voice file? The response is going to be identical but the CK wants to use an auto-generated file path for every response.