Yes, I'm working on a mod! My very first, completely original, mod, and I need you help.
I'm making a series of quests - 20 in each city - where you get bounties to hunt down NPCs and monsters or find items for a reward. The NPC part is easy, but I need some ideas for unique monsters and items (especially items). Anything goes, as long as a) it's lore-friendly; and I have the models to do it (meaning: modders' resources are fair game, as is SI). Don't worry about backstory or where they're placed - I can handle that. Oh, and items can be part of a set - they don't have to be singular. Monsters can also be in a group - I plan to include a pack of wolves (speaking of, does anyone know where I can find a white wolf resource?).
Some examples of items I've already included: a signet ring, an Ayleid potion (resource), an old book (Lady N's paper goods), an ancient Akaviri katana, a set of Daedric statues (resource), a Nordic shield, some Ayleid dishes (Meo's clutter)
Some new creatures: I've borrowed the ones from the Loreless Creature Pack, along with a shark and a special imp.
Needless to say, if I use your idea, you'll get contributor credits.