True, I do not know if one was made for the 32bit version or not or was one needed.
Some posts have gone away, a couple for rude comments, the others for replying to them.
Yes, there is already a translation that works fine in Skyrim Legendary Edition.
How easy will be the update for Skyrim Special Edition, depends on what/how many changes Bethesda made in the new English Strings and how easy the Strings Translator (by McGuffin) will handle these changes.
Maybe a update will only takes a few minutes and been available at BethNet at DayOne...
But maybe, we'll need to rewrite all entries manually... which could take up to months.
Já existem planos para disponibilizar a tradu??o do Skyrim Legendary para o Special Edition PC / XOne/ PS4.
Mas n?o depende somente de nos tradutores. Quando o Special Edition for lan?ado, talvez a Bethesda fa?a mudan?as que torne a atual tradu??o inútil...
Talvez seja necessário apenas um update do programa usado para fazer a tradu??o... (nesse caso a tradu??o poderia ser atualizada para X1/PS4 já no dia que o jogo lan?ar).
Mas talvez seja necessário reescrever toda a tradu??o do zero... (o que poderá demorar meses).
No momento estamos de m?os atadas. Temos que esperar até o jogo ser lan?ado para ver o que irá acontecer.