For two days I am trying to write a script that will spawn 6 toons at the player. Normally I use custom form lists of actors and randomly pick,one to spawn using the place actor at me command. Works fine.
But now I made formlists using leveled characters instead. From the creation kit section called Leveled Characters. They are the ones that when you double click on them a list opens up with a bunch more and then when you clvk,on one of those yet another lists opens until depending on player level an actor is,finally produced. So I made a form list with all 39 bandit Leveled Character forms. Now I need to,pick,one at random which is already coded and then spawn a toon using selected leveled character list. I tried selecting one of the thirty nine and casting as an actor and also an actor base but using the placeactoratme command spawns nothing.
Is it even possible? I have doubts since there is no papyrus script object for Leveled Characters. It's like they are only supposed to used as placeable objects in the game, not scripted.
Any help appreciated