I don't understand how this group/member title thing works any advice? (sorry I'm new here )
I don't understand how this group/member title thing works any advice? (sorry I'm new here )
Your username? Unless a mod is feeling really nice, you can't change it.
Your member title changes with your post count. So post a lot and it'll change.
Welcome to the forum, m8.
Also what are those little stars I see on some peoples profiles? (Sorry I'm such a newb)
its an indication of how many posts they made.. more posts, more stars
Since you are new here it is a tradition here to welcome new people with a Fishystick
So welcome to the forums and enjoy.
I do not recall what the stars mean but I believe it is used with the titles to denote how many posts you have made. Some members might have special titles.
Yay my second fishy stick today! Thanks man!
The number of stars a poster has is a measure of how awesome they are. I used to have five, but appear to have suffered a major awesomeness deficiency. I blame the new forums.
Or alternatively, it's a measure of how much rubbish one posts.
Well they will probably have stars on the new forum (I hope anyway)
You can find this information (and much more) by reading the "Forum Rules and General Information" thread pinned at the top of this forum.