Wulfgar Greybeard won't show up. Game breaking glitch

Post » Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:44 pm

First of all, I'm playing on PS4...

HUGE GAME BREAKING GLITCH..... Super. Super. Frustrating.

I recently bought Skyrim remastered for my ps4, and when I working through the main story line, I get to the point when you bring the horn of Jurgen Windcaller back to the greybeards, and when I get to the point when the greybeard named "Wulfgar" is supposed to teach me the next word of power. Wulfgar is no where to be found... This is game breaking for the main story line for the entire game.

Here are things I've attempted to get paased this, but have been completely unsuccessful so far:

1. I've tried reloading old saves prior to returning the horn, even all the way back before I killed my first dragon.

2.Tried completing other quests, including going as far as I can within the main story line.

3. Disabled and uninstalled all my mods.

4. I've made a couple new characters and same thing has happened everytime I have gotten to this point in this story..
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Tanya Parra
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