I have several save games with mods on my PC. I have been able until recently to load my save games. I have not changed added mods since and I have used an optimizer to reorganize my mods. My game repeatedly crashes to desktop after loading a current game. How can I stop this? I am using Widows 10 (running windows 7 compatibility and admin.) Amd rig, sapphire 290x 4gb card, 32 gb ram and amd 8350 8 core fx processor.
My Load order
0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 Hearthfires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 unofficial skyrim special edition patch.esp
6 6 SBF All In One + DLC.esp
7 7 arsvampires.esp
8 8 Assassin's Retreat.esp
9 9 BloodthirstVampireFeeding.esp
10 a Female Skin Universalizer.esp
11 b violens se.esp
12 c godtier.esp
13 d cremation.esp
14 e Vampire Jumping Ability.esp
15 f dd - enhanced blood main.esp
16 10 Killable Children.esp
17 11 relationship dialogue overhaul.esp
18 12 SummonVampireCattle.esp