Have you seen it? What are your first impressions on this movie?
A whopping acclaim on https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/arrival_2016/, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2543164/ and http://www.metacritic.com/movie/arrival.
This is now the third Villeneuve movie that I loved since the opening scenes. I think it's good, Nolan good. It's not Interstellar, it doesn't have that feeling of grand scale but it's a more personal angle and Amy Adams gives a strong and emotional performance. The special effects are rather light, so that's not the main attraction to see the movie in the theater, but the sounds are fantastic, I'm glad I went to see it because I don't have high quality electronics at home and the sounds gave me goose bumps galore. I would recommend it to Interstellar, Inception or Moon fans.