I'm working on a script for an armor piece that casts a different spell on the player depending on whether they're indoors or outdoors.
If you're outdoors, it casts a meteor shower like the one Alduin uses, and if you're indoors it casts a Fire Storm instead.
Problem is, I don't know how I'd write the condition out in Papyrus. For spell effects I could use IsInInterior, but Papyrus doesn't recognize that as a condition. I could always just have it cast both of them and attach the condition to the spell effects themselves, but then that would cause unnecessary clutter in the active effects menu and I'd like it to be as professional as possible.
Here's the specific piece of code in question.
if (selfRef.IsInInterior == 1)
Obviously the first line doesn't work as is, what could I substitute it with for the desired effect of running an interior/exterior cell check?