This may fit in the Main Forum....
I'm going to try something simply because I don't think I want to retire my character. My Orc warrior (heavy, 2-handed) has accomplished everything that he set out to do (or everything I created him to do). He's finished the MQ, DG, Dragonborn and has been named Thane in just about every major hold. I don't want to stop playing as him, though, so I'm thinking a drastic change for him if it doesn't get him killed.
I'm considering changing to 1h and light armor and tackling the TG quests. Maybe even dabble with the Brotherhood. I can't decide if this is within his character, but my real question is this; is this stupid? I mean, I'm level 43 (PC) and I do have a point in the 1h skill tree, but nothing in light armor. I have two Ebony swords that have been improved and I guess I'm going to carry a greatsword as a last chance weapon.
If it's actually doable, then I'll tackle the whole "does this fit with his character?" aspect. I may just end up retiring him anyway. I was just curious about opinions on the overall idea.