There is "Go to jail" 2008, by Arcimaestro Antares.
Youtube videeo:
-if your bounty is 1-999, you will go to the closest jail. I used the cells already existent and I created many others.
In some cells, you may speak to the guards and bribe them. If their disposition is 90 o higher, tell them "Let me out" and they will let you free.
- If your bounty is 1000-4999, you'll go to an Imperial Ebony Mine and you must work!
If you force the door and flee, or if you teleport yourself somewhere else, you will earn a death warrant!
if you do a crime at the High Fine or at the Temple of Vivec, you'll go to the Ministery of Justice and your prisony will never end.
(included a version for tribunal and bloodmoon, and for Necessities of Morrowind and Morrowind Comes Alive)
Tried it a long time ago back when I played often, worked fine, no issues I remember, but don′t know if it would work with newer versions of NOM.
If penalties (jail time) seems low to you, it′s relatively easy to modify, time is based on your bounty. you would need to tweak the GMSTs related to the bounty for each crime in the CS, aaaaand the bounty tresholds on the scripts. (that′s how I did it years ago).
Hope it helps!