Froki & Kyne's Trial

Post » Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:26 pm

(Sorry - I've tried searching but I can't get any results, not even for major topics like Ulfric. Is search busted or is it just me?)

So I screwed myself out of the Kyne's Trials quest because I was in the middle of something else and didn't accept it right away.

I've tried using the console command

setstage dunhuntersquest 20 to get the thing restarted but it didn't work. Now Froki won't talk to me at all.

I tried

reset dunhuntersquest

but I still can't restart anything.

When I try

sqs dunhuntersquest

It shows that all the stages are at 0, the quest is stopped.

So - does anyone know all the steps needed to get Froki to offer me that quest or was this never solved?

Thanks in advance.

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Melanie Steinberg
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