So if you have the internet you'll know that "Scalebound" has officially been cancelled by Microsoft.
With "Bayonetta" Platinum Games delivered arguably the greatest title of last gen.
I was so excited when I heard they were enlisting Platinum Games to create this exclusive...
But less excited when I saw them offering me the chance to play as an obnoxious moody teen with a comedy headset.
That being said... at first glance "Bayonetta" looks senseless... you wonder just what the heck is actually going on when you first watch the gameplay.
So I was willing to give Platinum the benefit of the doubt and give their moody teen a go.
Alas this shall not be.
Biggest shame of all is that a potential new IP has been cancelled meaning we'll have to sit through "HALO 9", "Battlefield 12" and "Forza 11".