24/7 Hour Technical Support

Post » Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:47 pm

I only want real PS3 owners that have had real legitmate issues with their "copy of the game" to comment on this poll as well as this topic.If you haven't experienced any bugs or issues fine.Don't run your mouth either because.I have the power to get moderators in here to delete your comments.MAIN QUESTION:

Does anyone think.That Bethseda should have 24-HOUR technical support instead of just "NORMAL BUISNESS HOURS".I think that they should start 24 hour technical support because of fallout new vegas bugs,freezing,and all of the problems they experienced with it.Alot of people aren't happy and when you make your customers mad.Something usally really bad blows up in "CIVIL COURT".Thanks comments/feedback would be appreciated.:D
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sat Jul 10, 2010 6:03 pm

I was thinking that a civil suit might occur after this debacle as well.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:52 pm

If there is a civil suit, it should include all the people who actually bought the game and can prove that they had issues. Ex: receipt of purchased game, actual game in hand, and video of some sort of their game messing up. That way they would have to answer to and fulfill something for every one who had issues with the game.
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:45 am

If there is a civil suit, it should include all the people who actually bought the game and can prove that they had issues. Ex: receipt of purchased game, actual game in hand, and video of some sort of their game messing up. That way they would have to answer to and fulfill something for every one who had issues with the game.

I totally agree or at least send us a NEW PATCHED COPY OF THE GAME.They have already probably made millions of millions of doller's off of us.O may I also quote that "I heard that bethesda just recieved 150 million dollars from one of their development partners.Yea WTF O.O -To:CourierGamble.There is no law or admendment from where I live at stating you can't express your right of opinion.
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:44 am

I totally agree or at least send us a NEW PATCHED COPY OF THE GAME.They have already probably made millions of millions of doller's off of us.O may I also quote that "I heard that bethesda just recieved 150 million dollars from one of their development partners.Yea WTF O.O -To:CourierGamble.There is no law or admendment from where I live at stating you can't express your right of opinion.

I actually meant a Class Action Lawsuit. My apologies.
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Sat Jul 10, 2010 4:22 pm

I have the power to get moderators in here to delete your comments.

First. Roflol. Truly.

Does anyone think.That Bethseda should have 24-HOUR technical support instead of just "NORMAL BUISNESS HOURS".I think that they should start 24 hour technical support because of fallout new vegas bugs,freezing,and all of the problems they experienced with it.Alot of people aren't happy and when you make your customers mad.Something usally really bad blows up in "CIVIL COURT".Thanks comments/feedback would be appreciated.:D

Second. Never ever will this end up in civil court. You personally can sue them in small claims court if you want. You might get your 60 bucks back.

Thrid. They will never patch the freezing/crashing. The same exact issues are still with Fallout 3 and it's out of Bethesda's hands. They can fix scripting errors and graphic glitches, but the memory crashing problems are never going to get fixed. If they could have done something about it, they would have long ago.
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des lynam
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Post » Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:07 pm

I've got to agree with Linksman on this one. The freezing/crashing might not even be due to anything Bethesda has done; rather, it might be a result of the Gamebryo engine that the new Fallout games run on (which, I might note, the owner/developer of the engine has recently gone bankrupt). There's probably not much getting done about that, though there might be some slight improvement, which is probably the best they can do. I'm personally more worried about scripting errors and gltiches, which have invalidated my efforts to finish in game after game after game. Not once have I been able to finish a playthrough because of them. My most recent playthrough saw me getting farther than ever before, only to get stuck on the scripting error where Ranger Andy won't trigger Raul's speech because I used the speech check within the first 2 hours of playtime, something that no player could expect to have any repercussions that early (and it shouldn't, but the scripting is messed up). I can't fix it, and now I found out that I probably ran myself headlong into the "Oh My Papa" glitch by accident, I refuse to start over (I just reached level 30 and managed to get around Veronica's "What's Up" glitch in the most convoluted way ever, and there is no way I am starting over after all of that), so all I can do now is wait for the patch and pray that they decide to fix my particular scripting errors.

On-Topic, 24/7 customer support would be completely useless; all it would do is enable you to call at any hour and hear them tell you that they're very sorry, but there's nothing they can do and you should wait for the patch because it is impossible for them to magically fix things on a game by game basis and these things take time.

Really, we should stop complaining and do something helpful: that is, inform them in an intelligent and complete manner of any and all glitches/scripting errors we encounter, giving as many details as possible, so that they can find a way to fix them. For my personal Raul problem, I point to a small mod the PC community made in about 15 minutes, which solved the scripting error almost immediately (perhaps this will give them something to go off of). Being an helpful and attentive playerbase is far more helpful to Bethesda than being a bunch of whining customers.
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:45 am

Thrid. They will never patch the freezing/crashing. The same exact issues are still with Fallout 3 and it's out of Bethesda's hands. They can fix scripting errors and graphic glitches, but the memory crashing problems are never going to get fixed. If they could have done something about it, they would have long ago.

They will never patch freezing and crashing??? What else are they going to patch?
Crashing and freezing is the main problem which makes the game so unplayable. :brokencomputer:
They have to patch it.
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:28 pm

If there is a civil suit, it should include all the people who actually bought the game and can prove that they had issues. Ex: receipt of purchased game, actual game in hand, and video of some sort of their game messing up. That way they would have to answer to and fulfill something for every one who had issues with the game.

if there is i will be at the front of the line, i have my game still, i have my receipt still, i have a dozen home made videos of crashes bugs freezes and other various game ruining problems
just tell me where to sign!
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:23 pm

They will never patch freezing and crashing??? What else are they going to patch?
Crashing and freezing is the main problem which makes the game so unplayable. :brokencomputer:
They have to patch it.

Because they have tried all they can do. FLNV is much smaller than FO3 because they are trying to limit the size of the memory load. You don't have any massive areas in this new version of the game, no huge buildings, no huge caves, no giant areas with tons of mobs in them and the vegas strip is even slotted into 3 seperate load outs.

They did this because it's the Havok engine that is having problems. They are using an old engine to power this game and it's causing problems. They can't fix Havok. It doesn't belong to them. : They can only work with what they have and try to limit the problems. As they have done by making it smaller, but it's not helping.

Yes, they can fix the graphic glitches and the script errors. Stuff they did do. That's the crashing stuff they can patch and fix. The bigger problem though is the memory crashing and there just isn't anything they can do to fix it.

It's still exactly the same as when it started out on Fallout 3. It was never patched and it will never be patched for this game.

As for the suing issue. Come on. This gets brought up in game forums all the time. If any of you are actually serious, just go hire a lawyer. It's that simple and somebody has to do it. Do you expect the Class Action Lawsuit Fairy to do it for you. Good luck though, you won't find a Lawyer Dumb enough to take a case like this would be.
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:42 pm

[quote name='Omega Scythe' date='21 November 2010 - 03:11 PM' timestamp='1290370271' post='16708057']

My most recent playthrough saw me getting farther than ever before, only to get stuck on the scripting error where Ranger Andy won't trigger Raul's speech because I used the speech check within the first 2 hours of playtime, something that no player could expect to have any repercussions that early (and it shouldn't, but the scripting is messed up). I can't fix it, and now I found out that I probably ran myself headlong into the "Oh My Papa" glitch by accident, I refuse to start over (I just reached level 30 and managed to get around Veronica's "What's Up" glitch in the most convoluted way ever, and there is no way I am starting over after all of that
Good god man.Share your secret!! Me and a friend of mine had the same issue with Veronica,my friend quit the playing the game because of it and I quit it,well for a lot of reasons. How'd you work around that Veronica oopsie? And as for Raul, yes,who the hell would know? I've said that 2 dozen times playing FNV"who the hell would know?" I'd play that $60 paperweight again if I could do some minion quests but it seems like all of them are messed up except for Boones and Cass(and Cass,oh...that one,if you want to finish all the quests for the Van Graffs and Crimson Caravan and Cass,she has to die..killing a companion,what a stupid way of doing that) Too bad about the "Oh My Papa",that was a game restarter for me it pissed me off so much.
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Post » Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:49 pm

Because they have tried all they can do. FLNV is much smaller than FO3 because they are trying to limit the size of the memory load. You don't have any massive areas in this new version of the game, no huge buildings, no huge caves, no giant areas with tons of mobs in them and the vegas strip is even slotted into 3 seperate load outs.

They did this because it's the Havok engine that is having problems. They are using an old engine to power this game and it's causing problems. They can't fix Havok. It doesn't belong to them. : They can only work with what they have and try to limit the problems. As they have done by making it smaller, but it's not helping.

Yes, they can fix the graphic glitches and the script errors. Stuff they did do. That's the crashing stuff they can patch and fix. The bigger problem though is the memory crashing and there just isn't anything they can do to fix it.

It's still exactly the same as when it started out on Fallout 3. It was never patched and it will never be patched for this game.

As for the suing issue. Come on. This gets brought up in game forums all the time. If any of you are actually serious, just go hire a lawyer. It's that simple and somebody has to do it. Do you expect the Class Action Lawsuit Fairy to do it for you. Good luck though, you won't find a Lawyer Dumb enough to take a case like this would be.

I don't know man, I have WAY more problems with Fallout NV. My Fallout 3 game, with 3 DLC pack actually works perfectly. I've had like, 2 crashes, in over 100 hours. So I guess they can
fix pretty much everything. Or at least increase stability. Loading times on Fallout 3 are pretty much absent, while NV can take up to 3 minutes. I think a patch can do some miracles.
Anyway we'll see.
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:38 pm

[quote name='Talonx1982' date='22 November 2010 - 05:27 AM' timestamp='1290425239' post='16710597']
[quote name='Omega Scythe' date='21 November 2010 - 03:11 PM' timestamp='1290370271' post='16708057']

My most recent playthrough saw me getting farther than ever before, only to get stuck on the scripting error where Ranger Andy won't trigger Raul's speech because I used the speech check within the first 2 hours of playtime, something that no player could expect to have any repercussions that early (and it shouldn't, but the scripting is messed up). I can't fix it, and now I found out that I probably ran myself headlong into the "Oh My Papa" glitch by accident, I refuse to start over (I just reached level 30 and managed to get around Veronica's "What's Up" glitch in the most convoluted way ever, and there is no way I am starting over after all of that
Good god man.Share your secret!! Me and a friend of mine had the same issue with Veronica,my friend quit the playing the game because of it and I quit it,well for a lot of reasons. How'd you work around that Veronica oopsie? And as for Raul, yes,who the hell would know? I've said that 2 dozen times playing FNV"who the hell would know?" I'd play that $60 paperweight again if I could do some minion quests but it seems like all of them are messed up except for Boones and Cass(and Cass,oh...that one,if you want to finish all the quests for the Van Graffs and Crimson Caravan and Cass,she has to die..killing a companion,what a stupid way of doing that) Too bad about the "Oh My Papa",that was a game restarter for me it pissed me off so much.

Yes, there was a great sense of satisfaction for me when I managed to get past the Veronica glitch. I literally danced around the room for 2 minutes; girlfriend thought I had gone nuts, but she couldn't stop laughing either. I detailed my entire solution in the thread I started, "Companion Glitches and Scripting Errors". It's near the top of the list right now, so check it out and see if it helps. Hope it does!
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Elle H
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Post » Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:33 pm

I am with you guys that this game is loaded with bugs and a ass load of them, but one thing I really want to know is what's the root cause? Is it the Havok Engine? Is it something Bethesda did in the sctipting? Or is it just too big of a game for a console that's been out for almost 4 years now? Either way if it was me I would put my cards on the table if I was Bethesda and say "Here is what we are thinking is wrong and this is what we are doing to fix it".
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