That battle is what made me quit that game

Anyone who has played Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines will cringe when I mention Griffith Park
Don't you mention that game or I'll have to play it again for the 100th time!
I found out the werewolf could be defeated though, the last time I played it. The first time I didn't even try, being a malkavian and all. I figured hiding was the wiser choice
Now I remembered another character that wasn't exactly a boss but kicked ass just as much, if not more. Anyone who has played Dynasty Warriors 4 may not remember some of the characters, but will surely remember Lu Bu at the battle of Xiapi
Ah yes, here's a guy worth mentioning.
The boss in the sewers (Area 2) and I think Area 10 as well in Bionic Commando : Rearmed on Super Hard. The fast flashes of light combined with the memory pattern and requiring precise inputs to counter made this guy easily one of the hardest (definitely top 3 for me) bosses I've ever faced. Truth is, I gave up and never beat him.
Yeah, he svcks to fight.
If I wasn't so freaking stubborn I probably would've too. But I really wanted the satisfaction of beating him and I'm really competitive. I must have died at least 20 times. It was partly such a cheap fight with how many times he could attack in a row and when he'd use his most powerful attacks.
Definitely Mannimarco from Oblivion.
If anyone remembers the old NeoGeo arcade cabinets, those fighting games had some way overpowered bosses that could keep a large crowd busy pumping quarters trying to beat the boss. King of fighters was notorious.
Interesting how many of these "bad bosses" are from older games...
Just a small "fyi", FF XII characters will be "gimped", because you'll have to choose a specific class for every character. Meaning, we don't get to cast reverse, shell, protect, haste, curaga, brave, and berserk by any character we want to, and those who will be able to will then be locked to specific weapon types, like staves. It'll be fun!
For me it was Dark Souls' tutorial boss. In my defense I didn't play any Souls games before that, and I didn't realize he can (and should) be avoided the first time around. XD