Hi guys.
Been a while since I posted a topic so bare with me, but I have a few questions regarding the Dragonborn DLC.
After 5 years, dozens characters created and hundreds of hours racked up, I arrived on the ash covered island of Solstheim for the very first time last night with my Dragonborn Warrior.
I never got round to venturing over there on the original game, but in hindsight I'm glad, as experiencing it for the first time on SSE is amazing with the obvious improvements such as visuals and general performance, and I can't wait to get my teeth stuck into it!
I've not ventured too far out of Raven Rock so far (which I must say is an awesome little settlement - the dark elves are my favourite race I think) and so I've mostly just helped out the townsfolk by completing side quests for the old Imperial miner and Captain Veleth. (Btw if there's any other cool ppl that are worth talking to in Raven Rock do let me know!)
Thinking further ahead however, I'd like to know your thoughts on whether travelling to Solstheim with a non Dragonborn character is viable, and if there's enough things to do.
In some of my future planned playthroughs, my characters won't be touching any of the vanilla Skyrim main questline, completely distancing themselves from being Dragonborn and living in a world without dragons entirely. (i.e not completing Dragon Rising) - but what does this mean for Solstheim, would Miraak still exist over there? What if I happened to stumble across his temple on a non Dragonborn character, what would happen? Would I be forced into the DB questline that way? It's something I have to think about because obviously I have no previous experience with this expansion so would appreciate being cleared up on this.
Many thanks in advance guys, sorry for the lengthy post! I'm sure I'll think of more questions once it's been submitted XD