Making Cursed Item

Post » Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:15 am

I'm wanting to make an item (an amulet) that is Cursed, and cannot be unequipped for a mod I'm developing. I've been trying some things and I came up with this, but I'm not sure this example works:

Also, it's standard Skyrim, not SE.

Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
If akBaseObject as Armor == YourArmorItem
ElseIf akBaseObject as Weapon == YourWeaponItem

Function MakeImpossibleToRemove(Form CurrentObject)

What exactly am I doing wrong here, it just isn't working in game.

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saharen beauty
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Post » Wed Feb 08, 2017 1:04 am

The CK Wiki is not working for me right now, so I can't provide exact code... But you could do two things :

One, whenever the item is unequipped (which should be... OnUnEquipped(Actor Target)I mem serves), the script triggers the 'Target' to re-equip the item.

Or Two, on first-equip, have a Script UnEquip and then Re-Equip with the 'Block UnEquip Flag' set (which I believe is what is set for the Werewolf transform, but I'm not at my CK to check.

Based on what you posted above (and given it's been AGES since I did any proper Skyrim Modding), I think the issue is that you are using the wrong event... Try what you have with "OnEquipped(Actor Target)" -- I *Think* on OnObjectEquipped applies to Actors, rather than the items themselves, which would mean your Function never fires (But without the Wiki working, I can't confirm :/ )

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Charity Hughes
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Post » Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:01 pm

What I have done (which is part of what I wanted to do), is I got a warning message to pop up when equipping it, now I just need to make it so they can't unequip it if they say yes.

Scriptname scaCursedItem extends ObjectReference

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto
Armor Property scaCItem Auto
Message Property cursedWarning Auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
if (akActor == PlayerREF)

Function menu(Int aiButton = 0)
aiButton = cWarningMessage.Show()
if aiButton == 0
Debug.Notification("Do not equip Cursed Item.")
ElseIf aiButton == 1
Debug.Notification("Equip Cursed Item.")

So, any hints on where I take it from here?

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Ymani Hood
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