Archimedes II perma-bug?

Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:32 pm

So upon hearing about the super awesome (looking) beam of (partial) death I ran my happy butt straight up to freeside to steal the rangefinder from that con artist 10 year old. This was after I set the helios station to power up the ion beam, and of course killed Mr. Fantastic's worthless a**. Check and check. After waiting the 24 hour charge period I took that baby out for a test fire to find out exactly how many mole rats I could take down to 20% health. Pretty lights and small fireworks ensued.

Now this is the part where everyone says: "yep, done that", but for some reason that 1 shot is all I have ever been able to fire. After another 24 hours I recieved a charge and went out to fire it again. Now, the tracking beams come down, line up on the target and then disappear. The reappear a few seconds later in front of my crosshairs and do the tracking thing all over again. No boom, no blue beam, just a repetitive laser show. Change weapons and it still comes down and tracks, over and over.

I've heard of people complaining about this happening where the beam is delayed and blows up something they dont want to hit, but I have literally left the game on while the beams were glitching, made lunch, had a smoke, and come back to find they are still tracking. I want to use my space station laser! All I have found on the internet so far is people who are too stupid to power up the helios, no one has had issues once the gun is firing. I've tried several save reverts, but to no avail.

Any idea on if there is going to be a patch to fix this or am I to assume I wasted my time in getting this thing in the first place? I'm sure it would be a bigger deal if the dmg was on par with a fat man, but I would still like to use this once in a while.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:30 pm

This started happening to me too this morning, would love to know what caused this and if there's anyway to fix it!!!
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:56 pm

Yeah, it happens. I could only use the laser 2-3 times, now its permanently bugged in the way you described.

Reload an earlier save or fast travel away from the area. Sometimes it will go away on its own, but DO NOT use the weapon again as it will glitch again, guaranteed.
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