Oblivion and SLI

Post » Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:52 am

Right, so one of the selling points of my system is that it was equipped with two GeForce 8800GTs in 2 way SLI config, so I have a simple question:

What are some decent setups for SLI with this game?

By setups, I'm talking compatibility bits and hexadecimals, as well as any good info pertaining to running this game in a multi-GPU configuration, not basic driver settings. I already know how to play around with my drivers, and it seems that Oblivion works best with my SLI mode on AFR 1 as defined in the nVidia control panel.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:18 am

Just one of your cards should run Oblivion very well. Given the games age though, it wasn't designed (or optimized) with SLI, or even multicore processors in mind, and running SLI can actually CAUSE trouble, and give WORSE performance.
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Post » Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:28 pm

yeah, i dont think oblivion will able to utilise a SLI configuration to its max but i may be wrong as ive never tried it. It is 4 years old remember ;)
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:18 am

Yeah, I tested it out a bit and all I got out the other end was reduced framerates, so I've switched back to single-GPU for Oblivion.

Fallout 3, on the other hand, runs beautifully on SLI for me. I guess that's why I asked. Then again, they did make significant changes under the hood between Oblivion and Fallout, so no doubt they added in proper SLI support for that game.
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:28 am

nVIDIA's version of SLI would have had to have been implemented when the Geforce 6n00 generation was released to have had significance for Oblivion. It will be five years old next month.

nVIDIA's SLI is essentially just about the very same age, having been first offered with the high end Geforce 7n00 generation.
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