I love the Fallout series of games, I have been waiting and waiting for it to come out on disc so I can continue my journey.
yeah I can download it but hate having to pay monthly to Microsoft. to get the Mother ship zeta download I created an account with XBOX live downloaded it
then canceled my account with XBOX live. and had to fight with them for months to get my account deleted. never again.
and my XBOX Harddrive is only so big and I am having to delete profiles just to keep playing, how many downloaded add-ons can it hold after years of downloads? its 20Gig
I do not play games online like WOW and all the other crap that you have to pay monthly. will never do it. they are making millions off players.
buying a game and taking it home is going the way of the DoDo bird. they want you to continue to pump money into their Companies.
we will gladly pump money into your Companies IF you make more games, new games, Post War games are the best kind as it shows you how things could be like if war happend.
alot of us older players ( and there are millions of us ) will buy the game when it hits the shelves at our local stores ONLY,
most of the cool games now only have the stand alone version of the game that you can solve in 2 hours. wow that was fun, the real fun is online , not for us older guys.
I remember when it would take months to solve some of the older games. Fallout New vegas took me about a day to complete. and I find bugs that some of their tester
never would find.
sorry I am venting my frustration with the game industry.
back to my real reason for posting,
When does ANY of these ADD-ONS hit the store shelves and not an empty case with a code inside you type in to download it. not cool and pisses off your players.
and you cant take it back as most stores have an open software policy if the gaem is opened no returns
I want Dead Money and the other add-ons