should i get new vegas for my pc even though i have it for t

Post » Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:21 am

i have oblivon but ive only used graphic improving mods on it.. something about adding gamechanging mods seems off to me, but i want to try, and i LOVE LOVE LOVE new vegas, im on my second playthrogh on the xbox but ive heard there are some good mods for it on the pc (such as building your own settlement) , i heard its only 30 bucks at hastings now ( a steal if you ask me) , also can i use a controler with it.. ill probably want to use a mouse and keyboard but 10 years of gaming (starting when i was like 8) dies hard.. really hard

should i get it. .are the mods that good, easy to install, bugs? , is it any better/worse than the xbox version
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Penny Flame
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:23 pm

This belongs in the general discussion not in the DLC. Yes, pc is worth it, but only if you have a good pc. It takes high requirements. Mods are great, depending. It's all the same either way pretty much.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:51 am

Mods are rather easy to install if you follow instructions provided.
They can have bugs, if a company can ship NV with so many bugs then one modder may have a bug or two before its perfect.
So much better then consoles, anyone buying and Fallout game or Elderscrolls game for a console is in for a sad shock if they plan on playing it more then once.

It comes down to, do you enjoy this game enough to play it more? If yes, then PC is your best option...if no then dont waste your money. Also do you have a decent computer rig, if not then maybe its not worth it till you do.
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Bethany Short
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:14 pm

Mods are rather easy to install if you follow instructions provided.
They can have bugs, if a company can ship NV with so many bugs then one modder may have a bug or two before its perfect.
So much better then consoles, anyone buying and Fallout game or Elderscrolls game for a console is in for a sad shock if they plan on playing it more then once.

It comes down to, do you enjoy this game enough to play it more? If yes, then PC is your best option...if no then dont waste your money. Also do you have a decent computer rig, if not then maybe its not worth it till you do.

yes i do enjoy it... not as much as the elderscrolls, but a LOT lol.. like 20+ hours in first 3 days alot :P
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:41 pm

anyone buying and Fallout game or Elderscrolls game for a console is in for a sad shock if they plan on playing it more then once.

Interesting, I've played to completion MW, Oblivion, FO3 and NV multiple times on a console. I haven't had a sad shock yet. Maybe I should replay them again, see if I've missed it.
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emily grieve
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:58 pm

Interesting, I've played to completion MW, Oblivion, FO3 and NV multiple times on a console. I haven't had a sad shock yet. Maybe I should replay them again, see if I've missed it.

Lol same here...
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:54 pm

This thread has gone the route of the millions before it. (Though alot shorter)PC gamers proclaiming that console versions have no replay value and is worthless and Consolers saying "Um, no it doesn't" and everyone forgets it personal [censored] preference. Personally, I say its a waste of money. I played F3 12 times on 360, bought it for PC and played it for a grand total of 20 hours with mods(Had a good PC to and had a plethora of the "Most needed" mods active), went back and played F3 another 8 times on the 360. Hell, I'm playing F3 right now waiting for Honest hearts to come out.

And lo, someone will quote me say something along the lines of "Thats stupid heres why your wrong" forgetting once again that the 360 is my preference (As it is of millions of other gamers) and that PC isn't the best option for everyone.

And yea, this should be in general New vegas discussion, not DLC general
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Penny Flame
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:20 pm

I played through Fallout 3 twice(i borrowed it from my cousin) and it is probably my favourite all time game, if i had enough money to put together(saving up for Mortal Kombat)i would buy F3 and play the [censored] out of it. And i had it for 360.
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Post » Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:23 am

I wouldn't bother to be honest. I've always played on a PC and I LOVE mods but from what I've seen with many of my friends if you are used to playing on like an XBox the benefits of playing on a PC will likely be outweighed by the negatives for you.

I'd play FO3 with the FWE Mod and about 20 carefully chosen others and in the end the game was (IMHO) far better then the Vanilla. BUT there was some learning curve involved to get them all to work together and it can be pretty frustrating at times. Coming from a platform where you Install Game and Play I imagine it can get pretty annoying. The first time you spend an entire night trying to get some mods to work together or get the game back to working condition because a mod you installed did something you didn't want you'll likely realize that instead of that you could have been just playing the unmodded game the whole night on the XBox.

If you have a nice PC you can make the game look a lot nicer with texture replacer mods and mods that effect lighting and or weather. I've seen just gorgeous sunsets and watching lightning light up the wasteland on a pitch black night and seeing a Yao Gai charging me.... Wow! And there are some great mods that add features and tweak gameplay to really make it a different experience.

There were mods in FO3 (Marts Mutant Madness for example) that would add greater variety and challenge to creatures and mutants in the game. Mods like FWE that adds a truly massive amount of features and many of them were configurable so you could turn them on and off. Like night vision(for the dark night mods), sprinting, bullet time, reduced loot, slower leveling, harsh crippling effects, increase the SPECIAL stats effects, ammo weight, lots of new drugs, improved variety of raiders, improved talon company, etc...) There there was DCInteriors which added interiors to all those boarded up houses and is just super impressive. Busworld which let you enter all those railroad cars and buses you would find in the wasteland. Scavenger World which would let you dig in those piles of rubble lying around and break open the trunks of derelict cars. The list is endless.

And in FNV there are lots of similar really great mods. Project Nevada (expands the cybernetic implants options, adds bullet time and sprinting, overlay effects for visors and glasses, etc...) Electrocity adds streetlights on many highways, others which ramp up the Legion vs NCR stuff by adding more patrols fighting in the wasteland. mods that add some really nice quests (like New Vegas Bounties), Nevada Skies for some great weather effects, IWS for increasing wasteland spawns (BIG difference facing 12 Viper Gang guys vs like 4) and a ton of texture replacers which really improve the appearance of things. Then there is the Imaginator which lets you tweak lighting / coloring effects (I lost track of the amount of time I've spent playing with this one).

BUT like I said if you are used to playing games on the Xbox you will lose the benefits of that platform. Like being able to play on a BIG screen, with a CONTROLLER, probably in more COMFORTABLE seating and with NO CRASHING because of new mod you put in effecting something it shouldn't. And on top of that you will find you have to deal with the headaches of trying to get script extenders to work with Steam, resolving mod incompatibilities, etc...

Honestly the vanilla game has enough replayability that by the time you don't feel like playing it anymore there will be plenty of other cool XBox games out.
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:54 pm

I remember playing Fallout 3 all summer of 09 and part of 10. It still hasn't gotten old to me. However NV lacks combat but then again there will never be anything like the trenches of The Mall.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:20 am

What would be a good minimum graphics card and amount of RAM to run NV
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:30 am

Nvidia Geforce 9500, Or get a 9800 for future games.
i've got either 4 or 6gb of ram on my pc so. . .
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:33 pm

i played it on xbox, and it i loved it, u can get it for pc if u want, vie never tried it, but if some1 offered it to me i defiantly woulda got it. lol
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