» Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:28 pm
Somethings i know,
1. Go to the New Vegas medical Center and talk to Dr. Usanagi. It is east of the freeside east gate, east of the Carravans. So it is outside of Freeside in a small building by itself. It does have it's own map marker.
2. I had no faction standing at all with the followers, had never met any of them. I was still able to get the implants.
3. Not sure, skills may effect prices (barter), but with a low barter (10) the cost was 4000 for the Special impants and 8000, 12000 for the other two.
4. I tried with a Endurance of 8, getting the Endurance implant first to raise it to 9. This did not help as i was still only allowed 8 implants total, not all 9 as i had hopped.
5. The implants are permanent, and appear to have the same properties as the bobbleheads did in FO3. ie. meeting perk requirements and small bonuses for skill stats.
6. I saw no visable changes to my characters appearence, I suppose there could be something subtle but i didn't notice.