
Once I was a Champion in the Imperial Arena... I was the one that yield the hungering sword of Umbra , without fear , without any remorse on taking the life of some random person wanna-be ...Walking through the Imperial City was like showing to the people that I am not just their Champion but still a normal person , trying to earn it's everyday life by doing what he knows best... , fight.
But my story is far from over , it is just the beginning , the life I knew turned in such way that even I could not recognize myself.As I write these lines , I am far away from being a Champion , a fighter or a normal person of any kind.For whom finds these notes , should know that I tried to do my best in keeping what I become a secret , and hurting those whom I cared and innocent was not intended by any means....
It all started the day my little sister was found lying breathless behind the Imperial City Prison district.She was my only true family I had for a long time , since our parents died way back I took care of us .Her body was utterly violated and left with almost no clothes , in her eyes you could see the fear that she had in her last moments of breath. As I stood there and watch the Captain from the Legion Guard looking for clues , I saw in his looks that he had absolutely no idea who or what did this. All what was in my mind was a simple but so overwhelming question... "She was just a little girl...why ; and who?"The known world suddenly collapsed beneath my feet , and it was like I saw myself falling trough its Void.
In the days that came forward I spent them crying my blood out trough my eyes , only willing to know the answers ... people sending condolence letters , the Black Horse Currier for five days it's main story was about the murder of the Champion's sister . It was the first time in my life when I was willing to take life from anyone who had any contact or ever spoken with Sheila , but I was afraid...
On a cold Sunday night , I went to the Temple of One and prayed, but no one answered , were the Gods absent , or not willing to show me the path I am so desperate looking for , with little hope I left the Temple , and I was walking towards my home , than I was approached my a hooded figure , I could not notice if it was a male or female , since it's texture was like floating but walking , I could not see its face but i could sence its coldness in its eyes. The strange figure than , very slowly toked its hood of , and could see its in a very strange , beautiful face. It was a creature only referred in legends of the Great Champion of Cyrodill . In some paragraphs of books referred to the Champion of Cyrodiil , it says that he often traveled with a very bizarre companion , Daedric origin , but no known name , the people of Tamriel called it "His Companion". Some claim that after the death of the Champion , his companion still traveled the same paths as his beloved friend , clearing the path of all evil for wondering adventurers.Some say that the companion was in fact the Champion's lover , a Daedra Seducer , banished in the void by Dagon himself for not pledging alliance with him, and afterwards imprisoned by an sorcerer for necromancy studies.And there is were the Champion of Cyrodiil frees her , and by time a Spirit Bond units them.Daedric books tell that a Spirit Bond that strong could avoid death itself , and let the person that lost his soul , find its way back to the person he loves.Others say that it was a God itself shining upon the Champion ... but of course no one but me will know the actual truth. As I stared into her eyes , noticing her unique shape , as her cape felt down her beautiful reddish wings flapped into the air. I was stunned by its rare beauty , but of course that was most because she was a Daedra Seducer , and charm was but her most effective weapon in trapping souls to her willing. I tried to say something , but I did not know what to , and the she broke the ice , toked my hand and steered me into a back , very little lighted ally where she said : " You do not have to fear what has to come , but you have to embrace it and accept it with your arms open.Your life , as dark as it may appear , it is about to change very soon , and the path you chose is the one you will carry until the day you shall rest forever.Once a very close person to myself told me that even a Spirit Bond won't let the Gods take him away from me , to his rightful place , and I was selfish to believe the opposit.So I am telling you that the Gods have the right people to the right places. You may find things that you will not understand at the beginning , but with time , and with help you will be at your right place." And than she dissapeared.
I very fast ran home , locked the door , went to the basemant and blocked the trap door.I knew she was a very powerful beeing, coming from other realms to either seek travelers to charm and pleasure herself with , or sent by force into a world where beings like her are hunted and killed.In the history of this land , the only books that refer to such Daedra Seducers are the books concerning the adventures of the Champion of Cyrodiil.The one that save Tamriel from the Oblivion Crisis and much much more. A prisoner itself , who got himself ruling the land.
And there I was , not knowing what happened to me , what was the reason for the Seducer to approach me in such a dangerous place , as for her discovery would mean her "death".My mind was full with ideas and illusions as I was starring at a painting of Sheila.
Not fully understanding the meaning of what she said scared me , and made my life even more "Why am I ...?"sort of speak....
As the rule say constructive criticism is welcome but keep it short because I'm shy.