Well, straight to the point: What should be the most "canon-friendly" Vault Dweller ? Judging by the 'memoirs', F1 poster(Male guy) and http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/c/cf/VaultDwellerYoungFace.png, I would say that Albert, the pre-made character is the choice.
P.S.: Speaking about the picture, where did it appeared in the game ? It was a loong time since I've last played Fallout 1 or 2 and I don't really remember this face(As a matter of a fact, I've just stumbled across it on the Fallout wikia). Somebody care to enlighten me ?
P.S. 2: Ausir ? :hehe:
P.S. 3: Bugger, I've just realized that perhaps this should be in the lore section.