@ghanima: Baalthazaar's was the one I was looking for, thanks
No problem, happy to help
Wow, thanks so much for that! I'm definitely going to use some of those in PE. Do you know of any other modders resources that are similar to this? Or perhaps a modders resource for a school house?
You're welcome
I'm not really sure what you could use for a school house. I think a regular building with some benches for the students and a lecturn and desk for the teacher would work just fine, though, if you can't find anything else. :shrug:
As for similar resources, you'll probably just have to look around. I think that French site has several other good resources too (including I think a couple Imperial and Common meshes packs? might be useful for PE), Google translate should help. I'm sort of a packrat when it comes to resources, I download pretty much any decent-looking one I can find just in case someday I might want to use it for something.
In the baalthazaar_pack mod, do I create the baal_barn02_interior.nif as a static? Because it looks all white like this: http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/139/84217060.jpg
How am I supposed to use that interior?
Yes, use it as a static. You'll just have to change the texture paths in nifskope like Melchior said. Also, personally if it were me I would change any resources you use to use vanilla textures if possible so they blend in better with texture replacers. (and imho that barn looks more like a storage building than something for animals, I know it can't be super realistic but it doesn't look very well ventilated. Maybe something like this would be more useful if you want to put animals in it? http://ressources.wiwiland.net/spip.php?article19 )