*jaw drop* Could you walk me through that one, slowly? 

Mankar Camoran says that Nirn is a Daedric Realm, right?
Well it's not a Daedric Realm, because a Daedric Realm is mostly the physical manifestation of its Prince. It's a big ball of divine matter, like the moons, like the Ministry of Truth maybe.
But Nirn isn't just one big god. It's a collaboration. One of those gods is dead (Lorkhan) the Earthbones were absorbed, and the Aedra aren't really all there. And Nirn is surrounded by the void of Oblivion. A plane like this is an impossible place. It should just slough off its skeleton and be consumed by the Sea that surrounds it. Why doesn't it?
It doesn't because the gods and their mortal descendants fortified it. The Khajiit call the barrier the Lunar Lattice, and believe that the holy moons keep them safe. Nirn is in large part Lorkhan, so he keeps it discrete from its surroundings. Akatosh came to Nirn and created the first Tower, Adamantia. If you read the Nu-Mantia Intercept you see that Towers fortify reality, they make it so Nirn remains as an independent plane with its own rules and space and divinities. Then the elves made tons of Towers, Lorkhan's Heart landed in the ocean and made another one, Red Mountain. Well, you destroyed that Tower is ES III, you destroyed Numidium in Daggerfall, and when Uriel Septim died, White Gold Tower failed.
Might you call the edge of a bubble of air in a glass of water a barrier? Sure, it is a border, but not a wall. It is the mass and density of the air that keeps the water out. With all these towers failing, there was less to keep Nirn discrete from oblivion. When it got to be like this, opening gates between worlds was child's play. And then the Oblivion Crisis.