I really like that idea, Azileron! Any idea when you will have it completed?
Thanks - I'm currently in the middle of exams, actually, so I shan't be able to do a terribly large amount of work until this coming weekend. I'm thinking of doing them by faction in order to keep it organised (I'll be starting with the Mages Guild). Hopefully, each pack should contain a total of about 20 "new" quests, although the majority of them will most likely only have changes to the text. However, it's amazing how much you can change only by doing the text!
Could you also modify the quests to take place in different locations? Like, instead of all "Find the whatever/kill the whatever" quests taking place in dungeons, also make clones that take place in cities, and vice versa, where these things would make sense?
Yes, that's one of the things I'm trying to do. Dave Humphrey made a large amount of progress in understanding how the QBN files, which contain every bit of data pertaining to the quest, function. Effectively, for the moment, what I'm doing is changing an unknown byte in the QBN files, then loading up Daggerfall, getting the quest, and finding what is different (a slow process, I assure you!

). I'm currently working on being able to set the types of rewards given - after that, I'll certainly try to have a look into locations.