Not sure if "smarter" is the correct term, but many mods claim (Such as the two difficulty mods posted here) to improve the AI - they won't stand around dumbfounded when you blow off the head of the guy standing right next to them, will actually try to find you when hidden, won't get stuck in walls, etc. But all of them come bundled with tons of other things that I don't want. Is there any mod that only improves the AI, and if not, would it be possible for anyone who's working on a larger mod with this included to release a standalone with only the AI improvement? Thank you!
From what I've seen - NPCs kinda do this now. But their detection radius isn't always that big (or it falls the other way and they have godlike perceptive powers).
One-shot kills still seem to be buggy. I've been testing out EMP weapon effects in my DENV mod on the poor securitrons at The Strip entrance and if I can sneak-attack one of them and one-shot it, the other Securitrons never wake up. OTOH, the Powder Gangers east of Goodsprings are pretty good about seeing their buddy lying dead in the road and will go investigate. The fiends are moderately successful as well, given their drug-induced haziness.
The "getting stuck in walls" is only an issue because Obsidian was lazy or screwed-up when they NavMeshed. Fix the navmeshes and suddenly NPCs won't be getting stuck on things. Looks like they put down navmesh, then broke the cardinal rule and added in items that block NPC progress. (You're supposed to do big clutter first, then navmesh around it.)
The biggest reason why I never used the improved AI mod in FO:3, it was too easy to abuse. Shoot the ground or a single enemy, watch all the NPCs come cluster around the impact point. Then toss a single grenade and finish them all off at the same time. So there needs to be more randomness and self-preservation going on.