I'm thinking we'll see another trailer in a month or two, but a gameplay video, definitely e3. Although, maybe we'll get an ingame trailer before then...
No video until E3... but I'm excited for these GI hub features the rest of the month. Supposed to be something new on Monday. http://www.gameinformer.com/p/esv.aspx
I'm expecting gameplay by the end of this month. Around January 25-30. I'll go ahead and call that now. No gameplay until 5 months before release seems a little late.
Probably next month. Bethesda said earlier that if they were to release info, they'd want to release a lot of it. Since they are officially talking about gameplay, plot, engine, etc. in the game informer issue in Feb, we can assume that they will release a bunch of information along with it hopefully. :thumbsup:
Todd said they want to show a lot, so I guess we will either see videos in the GI hub till February or in the months thereafter in the bethblog. Definitely before E3.
Probably next month. Bethesda said earlier that if they were to release info, they'd want to release a lot of it. Since they are officially talking about gameplay, plot, engine, etc. in the game informer issue in Feb, we can assume that they will release a bunch of information along with it hopefully. :thumbsup:
You do realise that the February game informer has been out for about 2 days now?
I'm expecting to see some gameplay footage before E3, too. I just don't think Bethesda's PR guys would try to keep up the hype on Skyrim though magazine articles alone for the next six months. People are going to want to see gameplay and I think we'll get some.
Wishful thinking, but I'm all for it.
Last year's E3 was meh. It sounds like it could be more interesting this year.
Uh, the 3DS. Or am I the only one excited about that?