obviously you work at Tacobell.......your so smart!
What exactly are you expecting them to do short of "OMG PLEASE fix the game!!!!!!!1!11!1one"....
If they dont post anything, then it will seem like they dont give a crap.
When they do post something about monitoring the reports of people having issues with the game, your opinion becomes "This is nonsense, its a bland post designed to appease us"
So really.. what else can they do? I mean do you really think with how fiery people are on the boards, that they simple just dont care? they've already released some smaller fixes and i'm sure bigger fixes are to come. It's a shame the game is released in the state it is, but if they're telling you they're monitoring it and you choose not to believe them then at that point the problem isnt with them... Its you.
You have trust issues don't you?