An Unexpected Crash

Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:25 pm

So I've unwittingly begun An Unexpected Voyage and am unable to complete the quest due to the game constantly crashing when I rest at the end. Apparently this is known to happen if you're doing The Elven Maiden simultaneously (I'm not), but is apparently fixed by the UOP (which I'm running). Any ideas how to proceed? Do I simply need to advance the quest via console? Reload an old save and avoid the Bloated Float altogether? Any way to tell what, specifically is causing the crash?
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:18 pm

I have the exact same problem :\
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:27 pm

I'm having this problem now too. Anyone know anything?

edit - I figured out how to get myself out with the console, but now when I go to the Bloated Float the door doesn't work from outside so there's no way to get in, besides console. I advanced the quest with the console and I found out it crashes at stage 95, but I can make the quest completely finished to skip that stage. Still doesn't fix the problem with getting back into the Bloated Float.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:17 pm

According to the WIKI this is the way to get past it :

In the PC version this can be fixed:

1. Make the Elven Maiden your current quest.
2. Use the console command movetoqt and finish off the Elven Maiden quest.
3. Make An Unexpected Voyage your current quest again and complete it.
4. Use the console command afterwards and rest in the bed to get everything set straight again.

In step 3 you might have to use moetoQT (Quest Target) in order to get back to finish it.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:31 am

1. Make the Elven Maiden your current quest

That assumes that you're doing that quest already. We're(in this thread) having the crash without that quest.
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:11 pm

That assumes that you're doing that quest already. We're(in this thread) having the crash without that quest.

Actually the OP never said he was not and in his first post hinted that he was ! and the second poster merely said he was having the same problem ! -- you are the only one that mentioned you are not running that quest so my post was more for them than you.

For you -- to get back inside the Bloated float you could try COC ICWaterfrontTheBloatedFloat in the console and that will place you inside the ship
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:05 am

Actually the OP never said he was not and in his first post hinted that he was ! and the second poster merely said he was having the same problem ! -- you are the only one that mentioned you are not running that quest so my post was more for them than you.

Apparently this is known to happen if you're doing The Elven Maiden simultaneously (I'm not)

Says he's not.

For you -- to get back inside the Bloated float you could try COC ICWaterfrontTheBloatedFloat in the console and that will place you inside the ship

Still seams like a problem in the game. NPCs normally walk in and out of cells.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:33 am

Says he's not.

Sorry - missed that !

IF all else fails you could use the console to step the quests forward to completion (best not to jump straight to the end without entering each step along the way) for the unexpected voyage it goes through stages 10 , 20 , 30, 40, 50, 60 then splits depending on if you kill selene or capture her -- for capture uses 70, 75, 78 - for kill skips those and goes to 80 (do not enter 80 if you use steps 70-78) -- then both continue to 90, 95 (this is the one that resets the outer door for use so do not skip it !) then finally 100

Entering all of those should complete the quest properly and get you back to where the quest is complete and the bloated float is back in port and accessible !

EDIT : Sorry forgot the quest is named MS31 - so you would use setstage MS31 10 etc. in the console --- also the quest has a script added that kicks people out and lets them back as you go through and complete the quest so just jumping to 100 without the other stages could leave problems.
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Justin Bywater
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:40 pm

then both continue to 90, 95 (this is the one that resets the outer door for use so do not skip it !) then finally 100

Setting this to 95 is what's making the game crash. I tried it with coc to a different cell first then setting the stage, still crashes.
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:10 pm

Setting this to 95 is what's making the game crash. I tried it with coc to a different cell first then setting the stage, still crashes.

That stage has quite a few things that it does :

MS31BFOuterDoorRef.EnableMS31AtSeaDoorUpperDeckHelm.DisableMS31AtSeaDoorUpperDeckFront.DisableMS31BloatedFloatDoortoDocksAtSea.DisableBloatedFloatDoortoDocks.EnableMS31NormalDoorUpperDeckHelm.EnableMS31NormalDoorUpperDeckFront.EnableLynchRef.DisableMinxRef.DisableWrathRef.DisableSeleneRef.DisableSetEssential GramangroMarad 0SetEssential Ormil 0MS31BoatDoor01Ref.EnableMS31BoatDoor02Ref.EnableGramangroMaradRef.MoveTo BloatedFloatBarMarkerset MS31.BringBack to 1

and setting MS31.bringback to 1 fires off the second part of the added script which then runs :

if ( BringBack == 1 )	MS31AtSeaNoiseRef01.Disable	MS31AtSeaNoiseRef02.Disable	MS31AtSeaNoiseRef04.Disable	MatthiasDraconisRef.Enable	HieronymusLexRef.Enable	ServatiusQuintiliusRef.Enable;	UmogGraBarashRef.Enable	UzulGroGrulamRef.Enable	PraxedesAfraniusRef.Enable	AdanrelRef.Enable	AlgottheNorthernerRef.Enable	VelanAndusRef.Enable	DamianMagiusRef.Enable	AreldilRef.Enable	BronsilaKvinchalRef.Enable	JairRef.Enable	IdaOttusRef.Enable	UrjabhiRef.Enable	SrathadRef.Enable	MyvrynaAranoRef.Enable	MethredhelRef.Enable	set fQuestDelayTime to 0	set Bringback to 2endif

So the crash might be caused by one of the references that are being enabled\disabled having been deleted somehow
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:48 am

Try sleeping.
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