Dude, walk up next to the thing on the side closest to the wall and it then crouch, look directly down and turn until it says to pick it up.
This doesn't work for me at all, infact i had been throwing nades, C4, planting frag mines and shooting them, even fireing missles and the grenade machine gun at it, when i did get it to stand upright against the invisible wall it STILL couldn't get it, the crosshair doesn't even highlight to say you can pick it up.
I have to say that for a "NEW" game, Fallout 3 was NEVER anywhere near this screwed up, and infact the only trouble i ever had with fallout 3 GOTY on the PS3 was playing operation anchorage with the amount of crashing. but this game is starting to feel like another Operation Flashpoint dragon rising, just a mess of bugs and glitches.
I just hope this gun is not part of any quest lines or im screwed, i just cannot pick this damn gun up!!
Is there any other items of worth that are screwed up like this one??