problems with this game are huge

Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:03 am

I finished playing this game and must say WHY ARE THE SO MENNY FLAWS
Here's a list of what i tink svck's in fallout new vegas (PS3)

1. The game freezes every 30min.
2. Some quest i can't finish because they wont let me.
3. The bariers around the rock's.
4. Ocasionaly not being able to use VATS.
5. Companions not listening.
6. 10mm mod's freaking out (laser pointer) + not even seeing the dot of the laser.
7. not being able to find your companion when lost.
8. not getting xp when quest is finished
9. not hitting your target when ironsight is in the midle of the target
10. creatures sinking in the ground (cilus to btw)
11. deathclaws killing me with 1 puch while wearing combat armor markII (fully repaired)
And finally, not being able to start the game from the ps menu

your comment's are welcome
But the only thing i have to say is F*** it
greets a pissed of gamer

ps: sorry for the bad english
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lucile davignon
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:21 am

DCs ignore all armor.
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:15 am

DCs ignore all armor.

There still not supose too kill you with one blow
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Amy Masters
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:09 pm

I totally agree with most of the things uve said. The problems in this game r pathetic. it ruined the game 4 me! Its a joke
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David Chambers
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:25 am

I have to admit I was hoping that patch they were putting the 'final touches' on would be out by today so that I'd have a more stable game to play over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. But, guess it won't be done until it's done. Better to release it when it's ready than to create more problems than is fixed.
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:32 pm

There still not supose too kill you with one blow

Is this actually a known bug?!?!

All this time when Deathclaws just destroy me with two hits (the first hit depleting like, 90% of my health), I just thought, "Damn, these guys are tough, man."
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:08 am

Is this actually a known bug?!?!

All this time when Deathclaws just destroy me with two hits (the first hit depleting like, 90% of my health), I just thought, "Damn, these guys are tough, man."

well my life points are far beyond 100% so yea i think its a bug.
ps: does anyone else here have the same problems with nr11.?
cause sofar i havent found anyone els with this problem.
please let me know

greets KaZaN-303
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:01 am

How can your life points be far beyond 100%?
Per definition, 100% is the maximum.

And yes, Deathclaws are supposed to be very hard, at least until high levels.

But it's a pitty the game doesn't seem to run stable for you, I always assumed that games on consoles tend to run more stable than on pc (due to less hardware variations).
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:12 am

well my life points are far beyond 100% so yea i think its a bug.

Yeah, the hardest enemies in the game killing you easily because they are supposed to is definitely a bug!

I've played for over 170 hours. Not once have I experience any of the stuff in the OP, besides the Deathclaw thing, because that is supposed to happen.
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:45 pm

the invisible walls are by far the most annoying thing.

its just lazy programming.

my scouting and recon ops have often been thwarted by this BS.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:07 pm

Fix the freezing, fix the freezing just fix the f...... freezing. I would like to be the one who determins when to stop playing. Every other issue so far dont bother me half as much as this constant freezing of the game. This will be a great game, when it is finished!!!
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:18 pm

Is this actually a known bug?!?!

All this time when Deathclaws just destroy me with two hits (the first hit depleting like, 90% of my health), I just thought, "Damn, these guys are tough, man."

That's not a bug, the game was just made harder, and thank god they did, I hate easy games. There is no fun at all. If people can't handle the games "difficulty"
they just have to try the easy mode, not hardcoe. I dunno what's the fun of playing a game where there is no challenge though.
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:04 pm

I actually like the fact that the deathclaws are mad hard. You have to take them out with tactics - or avoid them.
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:07 am

for those of you who still think the problems with this game are only effecting a small number of players..go over to amazon or some of the other online retailers and read all the negative USER reviews on this game..i knew there were a lot of ppl having issues but i was shocked by the number of ppl on these sites that wrote im wondering how many ppl out there that are having problems just havent bothered complaining or writing reviews..i am pretty sure those responsible for releasing this mess know full well how many ppl are unhappy with what they did too bad well never hear a reason for it much less an apology over it...i hope bethesda/obsidian have learned a lesson here about releasing trash of this kind on an unsuspecting public but somehow i really doubt it..they made their millions and i guess in the end thats all that matters in the end..
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:51 am

for those of you who still think the problems with this game are only effecting a small number of players..go over to amazon or some of the other online retailers and read all the negative USER reviews on this game..i knew there were a lot of ppl having issues but i was shocked by the number of ppl on these sites that wrote im wondering how many ppl out there that are having problems just havent bothered complaining or writing reviews..i am pretty sure those responsible for releasing this mess know full well how many ppl are unhappy with what they did too bad well never hear a reason for it much less an apology over it...i hope bethesda/obsidian have learned a lesson here about releasing trash of this kind on an unsuspecting public but somehow i really doubt it..they made their millions and i guess in the end thats all that matters in the end..

Yes, the quality control on this game is horrifying. I'm a software engineer and I know how hard it can be to shake the bugs out of complex software, God knows I've spent enough time debugging mine. But I've never seen anything quite as bad as Fallout New Vegas. The storytellers and artists were really let down by poor software engineering. If we wrote code this bad our planes would be falling out of the air -- probably exploding on the way down. Sheesh!
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