I have yet to walk the entire distance back to the meeting, as I"ve been putting it off, and doing other things. So, has this happened to others( I didn't find any other threads that had the "You cannot fast-travel from here" topic.) and is walking the entire way my only option, save for 'console' quest updates? Fortunately, this is the PC version and I can cheat it, but I'd really like to see this through without that, if possible.
I also ran into a problem that I erased, and will try once I see my question answered.( Or not. hehe) When I get to the "freeze up" point at Oasis, where the HUD disappears and you can't move or click on anything, I have tried the "tcl" remedy, but that doesn't seem to work there. Anywhere else, and I can get out of being stuck, no problem, but there, the only directions I could move was up or down, which of course does nothing to help that problem. Unlike the Head of State issue, I restarted my playthrough before I'd found Oasis, so I can do it via a different route, if that is what's causing my freezing issue. I'm level 24, so starting all over would be kinda disappointing, though I'm sure I'll get over it. :hubbahubba: