The Enclave flag belongs with the Soviet hammer/sickle, the Nazi "spider", and the Japanese Imperial "Rising sun". All would make great toilet rags.
The Soviets were not "Evil" nor were they bad in many ways. The idea of communism was to make everyone equal, good idea right? Well they do that and then everyone says, "ok, but now everyone is poor!" that was the problem. There was not enough money, everyone was equal, but everyone was poor. That caused the economy to crash. Good idea, not so good outcome.
And really, "toilet rags"? I would rather use toilet paper, then I don't need to wash poop off every time I need to wipe again, unless we are speaking of "wipe, then throw it away". Also, wiping your bottom with the american flag is kinda what you would call "heresy", you would most likely get jail time for it. A lot of jail time.
Fact: the Nazi logo, the "spider", was actually a flipped good luck sign. I guess that would means that the Nazis aren't good luck!