The female textures for those if any know whether or not they exist etc.
NO I am not looking for the clothing and armor. I could care less about clothing and armor. The skin. I was told they exist. Its really late. I'm very annoyed I can't find them and I need sleep. I won't be as grouchy when I read this thread again later.
In short I'm under the assumption when you change a mesh. The skin textures get all turned around because it was not made for that mesh to fit onto. Every time I try to change meshes and textures I see this as proof. Meshes and texture skins are not inter change able. Correct this if I'm wrong. But since I see it when I change things, prove me wrong if I am. Tell me what I'm doing wrong?
So for the past several hours I can't find a darn thing to make me able to use exnems meshes with tribal/ghoul/pitt female skin textures of an kind. Its really pissing me off.
I'm going to bed now. Feel free to offer any clues, help etc and or suggestions.
I won't bite. I'm just tired =/