Through wondering the wastelands I had an idea that can get EVERYONE! in the fallout 3 forum involved . What is it you ask? well. I've seen many, many skeletons and I want you to write a short story about the skeletons last day on earth. Eg. *Pic Of 2 Skeletons Lying In A Bed* - 20 Minutes before the bomb dropped I held my wife closer and prayed to god we would be ok... 5 Minutes before they dropped. I hugged tighter and whispered my final words... "I love you honey" THEN BLAM! HE DEAD! Lol.
Everyone get involved and please no spam or rage comments >< Fanx!
PC Users - Take A Screenie
Xbox / PS3 Users - Get Your Phone / Camera And UPLOAD THOSE BIATCHES!
Have Fun