Dark Seas
Fourth Era 6
The sea was calm and relaxed as the ship known as the Staghound, a large Brigantine ship; gently moved through the calm sea. The crew was in their cots reading, smoking, and just talking with one another as the water splashed against the sides of the ship. The captain, a hallowed out shell of a man, who went by the name Captain Augustus “The Fiend” Ustral. His ship, the Staghound was one of the fastest ships for its size. Captain Augustus had been captain of the Staghound for twelve years or more.
His crew had survived the Oblivion Crisis, and had fought off many who had challenged them at sea during the crisis. Captain Augustus was during those times, a man of honor and trust. He had began his sailing career at the age of 24, sailing under the flag of the Empire. But after he was awarded his own ship and crew, he was quickly outcast after being wrongfully accused of betraying a higher officer. But before they could lock him in shackles and haul him to the Imperial Prison, the Oblivion Crisis began, and Captain Augustus escaped his captives, and stole a ship. He quickly set sail for the Summerset Isles. His Dunmer trait and heritage did not do him well in the Summerset Isles, but he had little choice in the matter when he was escaping, and when he set foot on the shores of the Isles.
After the months that followed the Oblivion Crisis, Captain Augustus found a crew and began fighting against the Empire, and began to make a name for himself and his ship, and crew. The Empire at the time was in complete turmoil, Morrowind and Black Marsh were at war, fighting over the borders, while Elsweyr attacked Cyrodill from the South, and cut off complete contact with Valenwood, one of their biggest foes.
Skyrim and Hammerfell made a feeble truce, and cut High Rock who was still loyal to the Empire, off. And all while on the mainland, the nations fought, the Summerset Isles were in even more chaos. The head council of Summerset were bashing heads, arguing over what should be done about the wars happening across the sea. Many thought that they should cut themselves off, and close their borders for the time, but already while they bickered and argued about what to do, the cities of Firsthold, Skywatch, and Dusk were overran with ships fleeing the mainland. Races from all over Tamriel came to the Summerset Isles as refugees and for work, calling the Isles home. But for those three towns, Firsthold, Skywatch, and Dusk, they became almost like fortresses to pirates who used the ports as major hubs to resupply and attack Imperial ships from.
The heads of the Summerset Isles, had much to say about the new arrivals. At first, they told the pirates and those coming to live, to leave. It didn’t go over well, and those who came to the Isles fought back with what they could. After the three fortress cities were unattainable by the heads of the Isles, and their soldiers, they quickly bargained a deal with the three cities. Allowing those pirates who continued to make the cities their port of call, to stay and do their business, and those who came to just live, were put to work. The heads of the Isles did not really approve of the deal, but even though they were secretly against the whole deal, and tried several times to rid the cities of the pirates again and again, they seemingly just gave in, allowing the pirates to continue pirating the Imperial ships that sailed near, and allowed them to call the cities of Firsthold, Skywatch, and Dusk their port of call.
So, in one of the darkest times in Tamriel history, pirates controlled the seas and ships that sailed them, all while behind closed doors, the heads of the Summerset Isles began to plan what would become one of the most astounding and surprising attempts in all of history. Captain Augustus “The Fiend” Ustral and his crew of the Staghound, would become not only one of the most notorious names in sailing history, but would unknowingly assist the heads of Summerset Isles, in their plan. This is their story.
1. I am all knowing, and what I say happens.
2. Basic forum rules apply, no Uber or BS posts.
3. No god like characters, or anything like that.
4. Just use your brain, and common sense.
5. Have fun as always.
Character Sheet: Please follow the template given, I will not accept any other type.
Appearance Age: (Only for Elves and such, you may skip if not an Elf.)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Skin Color:
Height :
Physical description: (Body muscle etc.)
Armor: (You are on a ship most of the time, light armour would be best I think?)
Misc: (Anything you have with you on the ship.)
Class:( Warrior, Mage, Scout etc.)
Spells: (Unless your a Mage or something else, you don't have any. Also, you only have 12 total.)
Major Skills:(No more than five total)
Minor Skills:(No more than three total)
Personality: (Simple enough right? How they are with others etc.)
Bio: (How did your character become apart of the Staghound, and how did he/she get to Summerset Isles?)
I will post my character sheet once we get a couple people signed up or so?