- Remove the rubble, and clean up the derelict buildings
- Remove the rubble and repair the roller coaster at the Bison Steve
- Fix up the unused homes and buildings to house a general store and some unique NPC's
Basically just a general clean up of the area, remove the things that a town that was thriving would not have. Once the crime has been sorted out the town should rebuild, people still leave New Vegas and need to find a way back home. Good thing about these clean up's is they can be used as a modder resource to help those hoping to add some additional flair to Primm.
Primm is supposed to be a town where the glitz and glamour of the strip is fading but the gambling and drinking still occur, its sort of like the gateway from the escape that is The Strip back to the harshness of the wasteland. After you sort out the questline that takes place there the town should return to normalcy.
- Make the Vickie and Vance a full time casino and bar, complete with hotel rooms. Maybe expand the museum and add NPC's in 1920's gangster gear.
- Unique and generic gamblers, some of whom have a story or need you to help them get out of the Mojave and back to the Hub.
- Return the Bison Steve to its former glory. Tenants, guests, a full time bar and lounger with some unique music tracks and perhaps a game or two. Add the chance for player housing at the Bison Steve for those who dont want the hassle of the Strip and want to live closer to other people
- NCR conflict, they are waiting on the outskirts of town ready to take control. Maybe some eager modder could create an alternate path for the quest line where an NCR controlled Primm becomes a camp of sorts.
Primm really is a great local with plenty of space for mod's and these ideas are really just the basics. I assume the hardest part of this mod would be the scripting for ensuring these changes occur post quest line.