So basically I have exported my mesh and skele via niftools. I've got rough idle, forward, back, leftturn, rightturn, and few more placeholders anims exported, updated and working. via civ4 and kfupdater etc. I am not at all certain exactly what anims are completely necessary for it to load...anyone know? The sequence names all mirror vanilla. I've not set any text keys for blending, nor really messed with priorities, besides idle is at 10. everything else is 30. I've not even bothered to set right tangents in the curve editor or anything, just there so I can test really. It all runs in the GECK alright, anims do what they are supposed to. its not barfing any errors at me previewing my creature or its anims.
But it'll crash the game on me.
I'm guessing this due to the skeleton and its constraints. And its ragdoll set up in the geck :/. Anyone know how to do this arcane magic and want to show me whats up? the rig is pretty simple, I think it has 14-15 bones, 5 of thoses are 'eyes'. So should be pretty straight forward. I've thrown in 1 collision capsule in the skele, trying to get it to not crash the game. been messing with ragdoll and bodypart lists... but I guess I haven't stared at it enough yet. I pretty sure the main thing is to get the skeleton setup first. ?
also somehow I must have fubared my max scene units set up, when I drop it in the world, he's fairly tiny(maybe about chiwawa sized ). that might be a problem? and why in the hell did that happen?- I'm using genaric units like always, system unit setup 1unit=1inch. thats right? I never scaled any of my rig or its bones. pretty sure I reset all my xforms on the mesh prior to skinning. weird. assuming I get him working, can I just scale him up in the Geck about 2.7ish- whats the max in F3, or does it start to get dodgey at some point? Edit: scatch that :hehe: NV!
With fallout kfs- can I just delete the nistringpalette from the kfs?
So how exactly would I go about sorting the ragdoll up?
files if anyone can take a look at it in its current state-
max scene
some kfs
its all wipz atm. hold off critiqueing the art just yet, I'll be sorting out the normals/rebaking and crap after I get my head around this part. Just gimme technical nifskopery/geckery